Soap and Roses
Short Film
“Soap and Roses” tells the story of Raymond, a Chicago Southside janitor who in his off hours volunteers at a local community arts enter run by a young artist. When a series of turbulent events occurs, Raymond strikes out at the person he most admires, and thereafter begins Raymond’s struggle to resolve the consequences of an act he cannot reconcile.
Written and Directed by Rae Shaw
Produced by Rae Shaw, Jonna Walsh and Jeremy Beiermann
33 minutes, 2003
Best Narrative Film
Best Student Film
Best Cinematography and Best Actor
Favorite Student Film
The Wilmington News Journal
The Hyde Park Herald
The University of Miami Communique
Black Kung Fu Chick
Four Episode Series
Slamdance Film Festival 2021 Premiere
Festival Circuit
Visit to learn more.
Little Red's Pie
Short Film
4 minutes
Other Select Filmography
Notes for Natalia (short film)
The Barber (short film, cinematographer)
© Wicked Lovely Films, 2009
Designed by Melissa Rourke